Village Chiropractic:
Spine & Sport Therapy
3589 Brook Street
Lafayette, CA 94549
Nestled in the foothills of Lafayette, CA. we specialize in sports chiropractic and automobile injuries. Dr. Beckman uses a combination of chiropractic therapy, physiotherapy exercise, micro-current and active muscle therapy to increase flexibility and decrease pain.
Chiropractic means “practice by hands”. Chiropractors treat most musculoskeletal complaints. Certainly neck or back pain. But also headaches, whiplash, text neck, poor posture, frozen shoulder, shoulder impingement syndrome, rotator cuff injuries, sciatica, hip pain, golfer’s or tennis elbow, runner’s or jumper’s knee, plantar fasciitis, TMJ and more!
The American Physical Therapy Association and American College of Physicians agree that chiropractic is one of the first therapies to try before medication or surgery.